Semibreve is an exploratory electronic music and digital art festival taking place in Braga, Portugal.

Featuring some of the most revered electronic music and cross-disciplinary work by artists from around the world,

As well as maintaining an active role in the promotion of the digital arts in Portugal.


The 14th edition will feature once again the Semibreve Award sponsored by Edigma.

This award is established to celebrate and promote the creation of works that explore the interactivity, sound and image supported through the use of digital technologies. The winner will have the work exhibited during the 2024 edition of the festival.


The nearest airport to Braga is the Sá Carneiro International Airport in Porto, around 50 km away from Braga.

Porto-Braga by Train will take about 1h15m and the journey from the Airport must be made via Porto taking the Subway (Line E -Violet) that connects the airport to Porto Campanhã Train Station and then take the train to Braga.

Porto-Braga by GetBus will take about 50m. See the timetable and prices at getbus.eu.



Who can access the performances at Auditório S.Frutuoso?

Access to the performances at Auditório S.Frutuoso is limited to holders of general passes and holders of daily tickets for the main room in Theatro Circo. Places are limited by room capacity and entry is done per order or arrival.

Can I access the main room of Theatro Circo after the beginning of the performance?

Entry in the room will not be permitted after the beginning of performances. So that the audience may fully enjoy the concert experiences, the festival asks that you arrive in a timely fashion and abide by the stipulated scheduling. The festival and the artist thank you for your cooperation.

Who can access the performance at the church of Bom Jesus do Monte?

Access to the performance at the church of Bom Jesus de Monte, which opens the festival, is limited to holders of general passes and holders of daily tickets for the main room in Theatro Circo. Places are limited by room capacity and entry is done per order or arrival.

Does my daily ticket for Theatro Circo grant access to gnration?

No, the daily ticket for Theatro Circo only grants access to performances that take place in this venue. As it pertains gnration, access is limited to bearers of general passes or those who have acquired a daily ticket for access to gnration.

How and when can I acquire a ticket for access to gnration?

Tickets for this room always sell out very quickly. However, Semibreve and gnration might make available a reduced and extra number of daily tickets for gnration. In the case that this does occur, tickets for access to gnration may be acquired on show days, 15 minutes before their beginning, at the gnration ticket counter. We do not guarantee that tickets will still be available at performance times.

Should I wear auditory protection at the performances?

The use of auditory protection is advisable for people with auditory sensitivity. The Semibreve festival is a sound experience, where volume for the performances is an integral part of the experience, with the possibility of concerts with considerable volume. At the shows where there is a considerable sound volume, the festival will inform you through its communication channels. The festival also has at the audience’s disposal auditory protectors, at an affordable price.

Can I photograph or film the performances?

No. With the exception of persons duly accredited for this effect, such as is the case with media and the festival’s communication team, it is not permitted to photograph or film the performances. When in a context of a dim lighting of the room, screen luminosity on mobile phones reduces the visual experience of the audience around you. We also ask that you turn off the sound on your mobile phones during the performances. Besides a visual experience, Semibreve is also a sound experience.