
About The Animation Studios

pixar animation studios

Pixar Animation Studios is a north-american studio of many featured and short films made with graphic computing, located on Emeryville, in California.

luxo jr. in pixar animation studios

The studio was founded in 3rd February 1986. In 2016 Pixar will celebrate 30 years since its creation.

renderman software

Responsible and, consequently, author and developer of RenderMan software. The studio is responsible for the creation of animations with graphic computing, full back on mathematic calculations made in the computer, with the goal of making animations with 'tridimensional objects'.

The studio created 16 animated films starting by Toy Story and ended by The Good Dinosaur, included in the 50 better animation movies ever made.

the corporation disney-pixar

Actually the studio belongs to 'Walt Disney Company', which keeps creating movies of huge critic and financial success by the world.